Tuesday 5 December, 2006

replacement therapy

haven't found a cure for the blues but definitely have something that goes a significant way in making me feel better.
it's a spongy, cube-shaped, cream layered, cherry-covered little something that feels heavenly on its way down.
what's even better is if it's accompanied by a chocolate-swirled steaming mug of aromatic coffee.
like a good friend once said, if you want a warm comfortable feeling inside, get yourself a cappuccino. those mightn't have been the exact words, but the meaning is as close as can be.
none of this is a substitute for a kind word, but it sure is easy to turn to.


Vinesh said...

delicious is the answer to lugubrious, eh?

Serendipity said...

weren't you the one who told me not to show off my big words? :-D

hmmm said...

Senior Ahlu philosophises at age 16:
"if you want a warm feeling inside you, drink a cup of coffee"

Junior Ahlu corrolises at age 7:
"if you want to drink milk in a cup then drink it in a cup. if you want to drink it in a glass then drink it in a glass"

Serendipity said...

i'm thankful for ur philosophising - u're the one i was quoting, u know.

hmmm said...

i know...i know EVERYTHING runa, but you alreday know that too...