Thursday 21 December, 2006

Alt tab

This isn't really the dramatic escape pulled off in the Shawshank Redemption, but a nice-to-know piece of info that'll come in handy the next time you're in a five-star slammer.

The (bleeeep) hotel has a strange variation in the price of coke/pepsi within the hotel - the price of the coke/pepsi in your mini bar is almost double that of the same from prison room service.
Absolutely no reason for this kind of brutality, is there?

Here's the secret plan for revolt (so secret noone will even notice the revolt):

1. Drink up from the mini bar whenever you want
2. Order corresponding number of drinks from room service
3. Restock mini bar before warden's next inspection.
4. Pay lesser-but-still-hugely-inflated price
5. Smile on your way out into the sunshine

This really works. A recently released inmate told me.


hmmm said...

o wicked, evil one! i bow down before thee...

Serendipity said...

HAHA!! Cool isn't it?
The credit goes to the one who actually thoguht this up though - wasn't me.