Monday 1 January, 2007

The New Seer

Listen up, people. Don't - I repeat - DON'T head straight for the astrology section in bookstores or on the street, looking for your future in 2007. That's all rubbish. All lies. Are you going to let some stranger on a money-spinning trip tell you that your future will comprise exactly the same events as the future of millions of people who share the same zodiac sign? No of course not! You know better than that. You know that only the most qualified person can give you customized and accurate astrological predictions. You know that only a true spiritualist who is in touch with the truth of the cosmos can show you even a glimpse of what your future holds. Yes, you already know that.
So what are you waiting for? Send a blank cheque for made out in my name to my home address. True knowledge about your future is priceless.


Vinesh said...

You are a genius. I can already see I am about to be conned big time this year.

Serendipity said...

Won't be a con - promise !!Will be all good !!