Tuesday 9 January, 2007

To kiss a tadpole

I don't claim to know much about animals, but I can hold my own in a quiz if need be. And I owe a lot of whatever I know to the books of Gerald Durrel. I'm sure many of you've read the most wonderful My Family and Other Animals. I even stole the title for one of my Hyd updates way back when I used to write them.
I'm currently reading one of his books and came across a most interesting piece of animal trivia. There is such a thing as a Paradoxical Frog. It is a type of frog that is born a tadpole that instead of increasing in size as it grows older, works the other way around. The size of the tadpole is about 6" in length, and the body is the size of a large hen's egg. As it grows older, the tadpole shrinks till it becomes a medium-sized frog. Isn't it amazing?
I love Gerald Durrel!

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