Wednesday 22 October, 2008


I have this friend who calls me every so often pretending to be someone from the credit card company, my place of work, my bank, random vile man, etc. etc. And of course he'd laugh and laugh, mighty pleased with his own joke. I thought I'd wised up and knew his voice well enough to catch a gag immediately. But I learned there's something as being too wise....
I get a call from someone calling himself Joshua, claiming to be from some consultancy or the other trying to offer me a job. Since he sounds exactly like my friend, and I thought no one is called Joshua, I go on and on telling him how jobless he is to make these random calls. Joshua on the other hand, keeps going "Excuse me....what.....sorry...?" Finally he says, "Look this isn't a prank, I really am Joshua, and I'm calling about a job you might be interested in..."
I'm like ooops!!!! What could I say after that? "Sorry Joshua, I'm not interested."
Thank God I wasn't rude!
I'm going to kill that friend of mine! His wife who secretly reads my blog better warn him!


Vinesh said...

who is this friend you've never told me about?

sim said...

In classic Wodehouse style: "My girl, you've been had."

Serendipity said...

Vinesh: I told you I had a murky sometimes leaks into my present.

Sim: (said like Scarlett O'Hara in Gone with the WInd)I will never be had again!

Unknown said... have some cool friends i say!