Monday 6 October, 2008

Charge of the Child Brigade

Child to the right of me;
Child in front of me;
Child to the back of me;
Screeched and clamoured.
Nose wrinkled, temper contained,
Valiantly I fought
My sanity to maintain.

Was this the seat from hell or what? I can honestly say that this was my worst flight since the time I puked all over my mom 29 years ago!
Child to the right: was asleep the entire time, but kept me awake with the strong aroma of babypuke that it was emanating.
Child in front: bong kid travelling with its grandparents, the grandmom of which would threaten every 2 minutes, "Tiger aashchey, tiger aashchey" (the tiger is coming).
Child behind: never saw the kid, but heard its eager parents go Arya, square...Arya, fold the paper...see, triangle...Arya, fold again...see small triangle....Arya, this....Arya, that....Aaaaaargh!!!

Don't get me wrong; I like kids, but in small doses and clean-smelling. Am now racking my brains to figure out a way to book a seat that's at least 5 away from anything below 12 years of age!


Vinesh said...

maybe the child to the right will grow up to write a similar blogpost 29 years from now!

Serendipity said...

29 years from now? I bet u'll remember and keep track!