Wednesday 24 September, 2008

Colour no Bar

For the longest time, I hated the colour brown. I would never ever wear anything that was brown, or use that colour on anything unless that was its natural colour. To me, brown meant dull, it meant boring, it meant ugly. My autobiography was going to be titled Brown is not my Colour.
However, I've noticed of late that I've lost that violent anti-brown sentiment. In the past few weeks I've been looking at brown clothes with interest, and finally on Sunday, the unthinkable happened. I bought a brown shirt. I don't think anyone will comprehend what a big deal this is, so I'm not going to try and explain, but to me it's the dawn of a new era.
I looked up the significance of the colour, and this was one of the things I found:
It is a protective colour, but you may be bottling up emotion or a secret that makes you retreat into your shell and fear the outside world; thus you feel protected by wearing brown or muddy colour.
All lies! I'm not retreating into my shell or fearing the outside world. Bring it on, I say. Bring it on! I will whack you with my rolled up new brown shirt!

The downside is I'll have to think up a new name for my autobiography.


dm said...

Yet,you choose brown as your blog layout color. You enigma, you. Wrapped in a mystery. Wrapped in a giant kathi-roll encased in (Flury's) black forest cake...bawhawhawhaw! going well in Cal, then?

Serendipity said...

Oh yeah, I did choose brown for this layout. I honestly didn't realise till you pointed it out. Must be some innate brownness refusing to be repressed.
Eating went well I must say. Have posted report.

Vinesh said...

finally, some brain over brown..