Sunday 3 June, 2007


A list of things that totally piss me off!

1. People saying "cope up" and "I think so that..."
2. No spoons at the snack counter when they have idli and sambar at the office cafeteria
3. People not listening when you give them directions
4. Movie tickets not available on weekends unless you've booked two years in advance
5. No Earl Grey tea at Barista

1. People chomping when they eat
2. People not returning phonecalls when they say they will
3. People commenting repeatedly on things you can't change about yourself
4. Bad customer service
6. Bangalore auto drivers


Vinesh said...

1. Add "make it up" as in "I cannot make it up to your wedding"
2. You need spoons to drink water *sneer*
3. (no comments)
4. (no comments)
5. (no comments)

1. Yea yea.. flimsy eardrum syndrome suffering creature!
2. (no comment)
3. People need something to say!
4. Amen to that
6. Pls go to Chennai and find autos

Serendipity said...

Sneer? Sneeeer????
Excuse me! Just cos I don't like getting up to my elbows in food!
You go to Chennai and post letters - I heard you complaining about Bangalore POs!