Wednesday 18 April, 2007

Thinking astrologically

Alright, I admit it. I subscribe to free online horoscope thingies. I even read them everyday, sometimes at the end of the day to see what my day was like. Most times it's crap, but sometimes it's just plain CRAP. Like today's (which I read at 11.39 pm btw) which says "If you try to do things on your own when Pluto is around, it can backfire." Why am I besieged by visions of Mickey's dog suffering a terrible bout of flatulence?
Then there's another one that said I shouldn't flash cash extravagantly today. Well, they should have told me sooner - I just bought two pairs of shoes; but I used my card to pay for them. I don't think that counts.
I'm not sure why I continue to read this stuff. For amusement perhaps? Or am I hoping for a miracle? "Everything you touch today will turn to gold." Or perhaps it's plain escapism. Just for a minute. I've turned it into a fine art - so subtle, I hardly notice any more.

1 comment:

dm said...

Lol. Inspired, I looked at mine today. It said "Be wary of people who take their private problems and make them public knowledge."
Ring any bells? *snide laughter.