Friday 13 April, 2007

Look What's Talking

I was in Hyderabad last weekend and was lucky to have the opportunity to attend a reading of the Vagina Monolgues. I am very sophisticated and can use the V word in mixed company. I am so matter of fact when it comes to discussing the anatomy that I don't even blink when someone tells me my eyeballs change colour to match my clothes.

I wish I had been this urbane when my long-ago marwari boss asked the australian consultant whether there would be a lot of laying in the gym; or when the self-same fellow asked if I wanted to travel with my other part (he meant to say better half). I must confess I nearly had an aneurysm both times. I lost five years of my life.

But now things are different. Everytime Mahabanoo Mody Kotwal made us shout the word vagina, I added ten years to my age bank! I will live long and non sequitur.

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