Tuesday 28 November, 2006

no comments please, i have a key

i couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing. i have to post comment on my own blog in order to reply to friends who've left comments? i have to type stuff out into that little box that the aam janta uses to express their appreciation of every word that trips from my nimble fingers?!

but seriously, i do feel that i should be given special treatment. it should be like having a key to the executive washroom. i shold be able to go straight up there and, well you know what.....

sigh. i'll just stand in line to reply to all ur comments. who can fight these large corporations anyway.


Vinesh said...

this is a democratic blogworld.
but since you're president of this blog, you get to delete others' comments. that's your special key.

Serendipity said...

i'm also prez of my country on nationstates, and guess what, it ain't no democracy!