Sunday 8 March, 2009

The Simplest Recipe

I was channel surfing this evening and stopped at scene showing a group of 4 women curled up around a coffee table drinking vodka and eating chocolate. It was obvious that they'd had a crappy day and were trying to make themselves feel better - and succeeding from the looks of it.

Greatly inspired, I decided to google a chocolate fudge cake recipe. I found plenty, for cake as well as for chocolate, but the strangest one by far is this one for sugarfree dark chocolate:
Ingredients: 500 g - melted & tempered sugar free dark chocolate
Method: Melt and temper Sugar free Dark Chocolate and put in a mould. Cool in refrigerator for 25 to 30 minutes. Tap each chocolate out from the mould. Arrange nicely on a serving tray and serve.

How can the ingredients for a food be the food itself? This is like saying I make great biryani. I get it from Hyderabad House!


mobius_tripping said...

hey... after ages.. read all ur posts at one go..

thank u, thank.. was feeling miserable and mopey generally..but laughed myself silly, straight out of it..

Enduring the Babbles of Life said...

he he!! good one!! freedom of speech - thy internet ;) seriously it's only here that one can actually publish a recipe like that!!