Thursday 23 August, 2007

Choices by Autorickshaw

Bombay, Aug 11.

Bombay auto guy: Let's take the other route, this one's too congested.
Me: Let's stick to this route. This is the one I know.
Bombay auto guy: Look at the traffic ! (pointing to a lane in the distance going the other way.) The other route will be freer.
Me: But.....
Bombay auto guy (zooming down the "other" route): It'll be muuuch quicker.
*Bumper-to-bumper traffic*
Me: Well....there's so much traffic here.
Bombay auto guy: Yes, there's too much traffic all over Bombay.
Me: But you said this route will be free of traffic.
Bombay auto guy: Yes, this route is freer.
Me: But it's not.
Bombay auto guy: Yes, there's too much traffic all over Bombay.
Me: You said this route will be free.
Bombay auto guy: Yes, this route is free.
Me: But there's traffic.
Bombay auto guy: Yes, very bad traffic all over Bombay.
Me: But.........oh what the heck!!

1 comment:

Vinesh said...

we will call this momentous life changing event in your life 8/11.