I had my follow-up appointment with the dentist (not the bald one) yesterday so he could stick some blue goop in my mouth and make a mould for my new tooth. This visit was slightly bloody, but not anywhere close to how much I bled when I got my nosering (shall I put it back on?). I'm not sure if anyone knows what I'm talking about, but sometimes, when you nick your tongue or something, it's painful, but it feels kinda good...anyone felt that? No? Oof what straight and narrow lives you all lead!
OK so the doc makes the mould, and because he's ground the dead tooth to a millimeter, there's a nice little window there. To cover the gap, he fashions a temporary tooth out of that white stuff they do cosmetic fillings with, and starts a conversation:
Please note, my part is in italics cos I'm thinking the words. Like I said, is difficult to talk when your mouth is full of metal and cotton.
Doc: "I'm doing this because the gap will look funny."
Runa: How considerate.
Doc: This will also look funny, but less funny than the gap.
Runa: Oh? Funny how? Dracula funny? Good dog Lassie funny? Famous bong buck teeth funny?
Doc: It's arbitrarily done. Not the perfect size or shape. Or even colour. But it's only for a week.
Runa: What?? What have you stuck up there? A die (like in dice, you nutcases!)
Doc: And remember not to chew anything hard on that side - this is really flimsy material.
Runa: Whatttt? I can't even eat? For a whole week?
Well ok then. I only had plans with family this weekend and I guess it's ok for them not see my pearly whites at their best. But oh my goodness, I completely forgot all about my die till we had some folks over for a formal tea on Sunday. Not friends, just a couple we have some business with. And as is customary for me, I laughed heartily at everything, and even threw my head back once. And then I went OH SHIT! From then on, I only leaned forward and went tee hee whenever anything funny was said. I cannot tell you what a difficult 2 hours it was. I cannot, cannot imagine not being able to laugh out loud and free. I've been asked which sense I'd miss most if I lost it, and I always said sight; but laughsense comes as a very very close second!
Ok so should I bring the nosering back on?